New Future Sustainable Brick

Wool and a seaweed polymer are added to the clay before curing. These bricks are suitable for the same interior and exterior uses as traditional bricks.
Wool and an alginate conglomerate from the cell walls of seaweed were mixed with clay. When dried they don’t need to be red, which cuts down on energy used in their production. the mixture seemed to make the bricks less prone to cracking and less likely to warp.
Developed by Spanish and Scottish researchers with an aim to ‘obtain a composite that was more sustainable, non-toxic, using abundant local materials that would mechanically improve the bricks’ strength’, these wool bricks are exactly what the name suggests. Simply by adding wool and a natural polymer found in seaweed to the clay of the brick, the brick is 37% stronger than other bricks, and more resistant to the cold wet climate often found in Britain. They also dry hard, reducing the embodied energy as they don’t need to be fired like traditional bricks.
These bricks reinforced with wool and to obtain a composite that was more sustainable, nontoxic, using abundant local materials, and that would mechanically improve the bricks’ strength.
The only drawback is under-utilization in the market. Wool bricks may cost more due to shipping from far-away manufacturers.

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New Future Sustainable Brick New Future Sustainable Brick Reviewed by Vignesh on August 18, 2017 Rating: 5

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